3 Easiest Way to Earn Money From Youtube

3 easiest ways to earn money from Youtube (Easy Method):

In this article, I will teach you how to earn thousands of ﹩﹩﹩ by simply creating a youtube channel in the 3 easiest ways.

Due to quarantine People want to make money online and want to know how to earn money from youtube and make money from youtube ads ($ $ $).In this article, we will learn together how to earn money from youtube channel by simply creating a youtube channel. Before monetization Youtube Adsense has some requirements.
  • Need 1000 Subscribers.
  • Need 4000 Public Watch Hours in the previous12 months.

After these requirements are complete you can qualify for the Youtube Partner Program and earn money from youtube ads. So that you can earn money from youtube videos and also make money from the youtube playlist. After successfully entered in the YPP(Youtube Partner Program) you can earn money by creating more youtube channels. You can now earn money from ads on youtube.

3 ways described below :

  1. Create an eye-catching youtube channel.
  2. Create/Record a Video that Suits your Channel Name
  3. Monetize your Youtube Channel.

Create an Eye-Catching Youtube Channel:

Before creating your youtube channel think about what you can deliver and how you can deliver and how to attract an audience/peoples on youtube.
Another thing to be noticed how you can rank your youtube channel on the top 1st.So that everyone can find your youtube channel.
After a lot of research, I have found 2 websites for you that can help you to rank your youtube channel at the top. As a Youtuber, I have waste 1 year to be ranked on the top 1st because I have My channel keywords have a lot of competition (roundabout Millions of Views in just a few days). I want my viewers/readers not to waste their time because time is more valuable than something else in the world. 

Select Your Channel Name from that Websites.

Select your Channel Name which has low difficulty (less than 30) and high search volume. So that your channel can grow fast.

How to create a youtube channel?
  • Create a Gmail Account
  •  Login to Youtube
  • Click on the TOP-Right Corner of the Youtube page.
  • Then Click on Your Channel
  • Click on Customize Channel
  • Then Write Your Channel Name and Description.

Create/Record A youtube video that suits your youtube channel niche

Now the very next step is to record a youtube video for your channel that attracts viewers toward your video. Chose an interesting topic that people want to watch.

3 steps to make a youtube video that attracts viewers toward your video 

  • Make an Eye-Catching Thumbnail
  • Upload High-quality Videos
  • Don't waste your and your Viewers' Time.
Make an Eye-Catching Thumbnail:

Thumbnails can attract peoples who don't know you. Create Hd Thumbnails so that your video will be ranked on youtube. 
I have found a popular website to create a thumbnail that can help you to rank first and grow your youtube channel.
Canva is a very popular website to create a thumbnail. There is a lot of templates already created for people to use and create their desired thumbnail. 

Upload High-quality Videos:

Uploading Videos in high-quality can help you to ranked 2nd,3rd, or even 1st place. Low-quality videos can make people lose heart and they will never come again to your youtube channel Due to low-quality videos.

Don't Waste time:

Conciseness makes the video perfect. Don't make a video that is too long or too short. Told them to the point. What You Want to say And How to say is also an important factor to make people on your Channel video. If you are saying about the bust mostly people can leave your video and never come again because they know that you have to waste their time.

Monetize your Youtube Channel:

Monetization is an important step to earn money from youtube. Three steps that must be fulfilled before monetization.
  • Creating Channel
  • Creating Adsense Account 
  • Review Your Youtube Channel
We have discussed earlier How to create a youtube channel Now we learn together how to create an AdSense account and link it to our channel.
First, go to Youtube Studio and follow these steps...
  • Open Youtube Studio (PC browser, Mobile)
  • Click on Monetization Tab At Left Pannel.
  • Then click on the AdSense account and create using the Same Id of your Youtube Channel.
After successfully done these steps. You will see your channel subscribers and watch hours in detail.
 After Completing 1000 subscribers and watch hours you can earn thousands of $$$ in a month or less depending on your Hard Work And People Intrest
Here is The Easiest Way To Complete Your 4000 Hours In Less than 15 Days.

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