IOS 14.5 Beta - Change third-party App Icon to your own img

How to Change Apple Ios third-party apps To Your Image?

Today I will reveal some of the most important updates about the new ios 14.5 which is now under development. As Instagram let us change the Instagram App Icon to the 10 Apps Icons which is shown below:

But the Apple Company is one step forward than Instagram and Even Google. They let their user customize the Third-Party Apps icon as they want not pre-defined app icons like Instagram. Apple company inspired by Instagram very much and they have now decided to let apple user customize their third-party app icons to their Gallery Image. People like Instagram's Latest update very much. Now they have worked to developed an ios 14.5 (which is now under development) to make this possible for all third-party apps like Facebook, Chrome, Edge, Photoshop, etc. But Their App like App Store, Gallery, Watch, calculator, Safari, etc will not be able to customize as third-party apps icon does.

How to Change the third-party apps to your Gallery Image?

Follow this step below:
  • Open Setting
  • Scroll down
  • And Search For Change Icon

If you can't find the Change icon on Setting then search from the setting menu "Change App Icon"

Change Icon Method 2:

  • Open The App Which You Want To Change Icon
  • Go to the App Setting OR your Profile like Instagram.
  • Click on Setting
  • Search For Customize
  • Then click on the customize Tab.
  • A Pop Up is Appear
  • Select Image from Gallery and That's It.

The icon is changed Now.

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